We are excited to present this program in collaboration with Payoneer and Seed. As a participant in this cohort, you’ll gain comprehensive knowledge on expanding your business globally, including insights, strategies, funding options, and global payments.

Launch Date: 23rd August 2024 | Application Deadline: 13th September 2024

Here’s what we offer:

  • 30-day dynamic program to scale your business, completely equity-free.
  • Masterclasses from industry leaders across various domains.
  • Exclusive groups for personalized attention and guidance.
  • Strategies that work for international clients.

Who can apply?

Service-led businesses with majority shareholding by women founders. This includes solopreneurs, creators, SaaS, gaming, edtech, and health tech companies, etc.Prior export experience is not necessary, but you must have a running business.

Selection will be made by an independent jury, and we reserve the right to include or exclude applicants at our discretion.

Refer to the program schedule below and apply to the program before 13th September 2024.

Selected participants will be notified through email or by phone. Stay updated by following #AspireForHer on LinkedIn and our other social media channels.
Cohort Application Form:
Please take the time to carefully fill out each section of this form; it may take around 20 minutes to complete. All questions are mandatory and must be answered truthfully to ensure a thorough evaluation of your business.
Decision Notification: By 19th September 2024 | Cohort Duration: 20th September – 12th October 2024
For any clarifications, please contact Anuj Kanwar  at +91 8291582263  or Rica Roy at rica.roy@aspireforher.com

Write NA if you do not have one currently
(Provide the link to the most popular social media platform for your business.)
Estimate number of active monthly paying customers
Please write 00 if above answer is NIL
Write NA if you do not have a women founder/co-founder
Name your primary banking institution
List your primary target countries, separated by commas.
Selected Value: 0
1 – easy 5 -most challenging
Selected Value: 0
1 – easy 10 -most challenging
Describe what you aim to achieve by joining this cohort.

Thank you for considering the “She Exports” program. To meet the organizations making this possible and to get a glimpse behind the scenes, Please visit Aspire For Her at [https://aspireforher.com/], discover more about Payoneer at [http://www.payoneer.com/], and learn about Seed India by visiting [https://www.seed.ind.in/ ]

SheExports 2.0 Program Schedule

Event Date Time Details
LinkedIn Tool for International Lead Generation 20th September 2024, Friday 17:00 – 19:00 (2 hours) Session 1: LinkedIn Profiling: Optimizing LinkedIn profiles for professional branding and visibility (Duration: 60 minutes)
Session 2: Using LinkedIn for Lead Generation: Strategies and tools for finding and engaging international leads through LinkedIn (Duration: 60 minutes)
Content Marketing and Contract Management 27th September 2024, Friday 17:00 – 19:00 (2 hours) Session 1: Content/Email Marketing – How Does It Work? (Effective content and email marketing strategies for global audiences & the relevance of UI/UX) (Duration: 60 minutes)
Session 2: Contract Management for International Clients: Best practices for creating and managing contracts with clients from different countries (Duration: 60 minutes)
Financial & Compliance Management 4th October 2024, Friday 17:00 – 18:30 (1.5 hours) Session 1: Invoicing and Receivables by Payoneer (Best practices for invoicing and managing receivables, tailored for international transactions) (Duration: 60 minutes)
Session 2: Key Note Address: EntrepreNaari who have scaled 0-10 internationally (Duration: 30 minutes)
Digital Marketing Strategies for Global Reach & Gig Marketplaces 11th October 2024, Friday 17:00 – 19:00 (2 hours) Session 1: Social Media/Influencer Marketing Across Borders: Strategies for effectively using social media platforms to engage and attract international customers (Duration: 60 minutes)
Session 2: Listing on International Gig Portals: Strategies for differentiating and winning business on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork (Duration: 60 minutes)
Finale & Closing 18th October 2024, Friday 17:00 – 18:30 (1.5 hours) Topic: Navigating Cross-Cultural Communication: Understanding and overcoming cultural barriers to improve communication and build relationships with international clients (Duration: 45 minutes)
Closing Remarks & AM
Write NA if you do not have one currently
(Provide the link to the most popular social media platform for your business.)
Estimate number of active monthly paying customers
Please write 00 if above answer is NIL
Write NA if you do not have a women founder/co-founder
Name your primary banking institution
List your primary target countries, separated by commas.
Selected Value: 0
1 - easy 5 -most challenging
Selected Value: 0
1 - easy 10 -most challenging
Describe what you aim to achieve by joining this cohort.

Thank you for considering the "She Exports" program. To meet the organizations making this possible and to get a glimpse behind the scenes, Please visit Aspire For Her at [https://aspireforher.com/], discover more about Payoneer at [http://www.payoneer.com/], and learn about Seed India by visiting [https://www.seed.ind.in/ ]