
The Identity Conundrum

A father and his son are in a car crash. The father dies at the scene and his son is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital the surgeon looks at the boy and says “I can’t.....Read More

Breaking the Maternal Wall

It’s needless to say, beyond the innumerable sleepless nights and a newly added mountain of responsibility, every mother swears that motherhood is an indescribable.....Read More

A Fictional Reality

Be it the Avengers fighting aliens, the Golden Trio navigating the wizarding world or Jurassic Park and its dinosaurs, there’s something about the fictional world which.....Read More

Make Mentoring Matter

Have we not heard people say –“One should always have a mentor!” For sure! But why? The simplest way to explain it is that you learn from the mentor’s experiences .....Read More

Label Jars, Not Her

This incident happened a short while ago when attending conferences and firm handshakes were a daily routine. I remember being an intern, walking into this huge .....Read More

Extraordinary dreams of an ordinary woman

I felt a sharp pain. It felt like the entire Earth was getting crushed inside my head. Just like two realities colliding to morph into a new one. With that sensation of strangely .....Read More

If we spend so much on her education, how will we pay for her wedding?

It was a hot summer day when I sat by the balcony with my friend, both of us eagerly discussing the multiple plans we had for the vacations. .....Read More

Women In CyberSecurity

Jamuna Swamy, an
award-winning Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)) has said, “There is certainly a rising trend among women to take up the cybersecurity .....Read More

What is your story?

We are our own brand ambassadors. While we can speak about having mentors and sponsors who will talk about our achievements inside and outside organisations .....Read More

Mind the Gap

Anchal Gangwal, recently commissioned in the Indian Air Force is a tea seller’s daughter. She was inspired by an IAF personnel during the Kedarnath tragedy in 2013 .....Read More

Women In Defence

Early in the morning, on the
twenty-sixth of February 2010, Kabul woke up to a deafening noise — a huge blast and continuous loud gunfire, bullets raining from .....Read More

Are you T-Shaped?

I heard about the term ‘T-shaped’ some years ago and was happy to have learnt a new terminology but didn’t think too much about it at that time. I realised the importance of.....Read More

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